About Tech Enthusiast

From a young age, I always loved taking things apart to learn how they work. Puzzles, challenges, unsolved problems are my jam, and the harder they are, the more satisfying they are to solve. In my sophomore year at UofM, I took an intro to programming class and found a new life long passion.

In 2017 I moved from the Detroit area to Los Angeles in search of something bigger, busier, and more challenging. Since then I have had a variety of jobs:

  • Lead Prospector, CRM guru, and Team Lead for an SEO Linkbuilding Team
  • Salesforce Admin to Developer to Lead Architect
  • Solution Engineer for Varnish, which is CDN software

Now, with a variety of projects under my belt and a general technical but still business savvy skillset, I am working on projects of my own, and also consulting.

As your consultant, I will help you hurdle technical challenges, such as

  • CRM Operations
  • Outbound Lead Sourcing and Email Campaigns
  • Server Administration
  • Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerting
  • Database Administration
  • Caching and Edge Logic
  • Website Visitor Logging

I have worked in many industries, from tech industry to law firms, and many sizes, from startup to enterprise. If you would like to know more, please feel free to email me at elliotmacneille@gmail.com, or book and appointment with me below.

Interested in sales lead prospecting? Check out my other site, mycompanylist.com.